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How To Make Pour Over Coffee Without A Scale?


The most important tool used to make coffee is a coffee scale. The question is, how can you prepare pour-over coffee without a scale? You can appreciate how crucial it is to use precise proportions while preparing coffee if you’re a coffee fanatic like myself.

In actuality, brewing coffee is a skill in and of itself. The entire procedure involves accurate brewing methods that begin with measuring the beans using a scale. However, what would you do if you lacked the necessary tools, such as scales for weighing the coffee beans?

how to make pour over coffee without a scale
                                                                       How to make pour over coffee without a scale


Coffee brewers at home often deal with this issue. Since the majority of methods, you might come across online feature exact measurements. It is making life challenging for those without the resources.

Yet despite the fact you lack the expensive coffee-making equipment. I’ll demonstrate methods to prepare coffee without a scale or special kettle. Follow the advice I’ve provided to get started.


The skill of pouring over coffee is indeed challenging. The most significant phase in preparing coffee is determining the quantity necessary to produce an excellent cup. One reason is that many coffee bean varieties have a variety of sizes, shapes, and intensities.

Because of this, it isn’t easy to maintain uniformity in measuring the weight of coffee beans. Additionally, weighing coffee grounds requires far greater precision than weighing whole beans alone.

After numerous unsuccessful efforts, I’ve concluded that you require two tools without a scale. In reality, the key is to express your inner creativity! These are the essential supplies you’ll need to make pour-over coffee.

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Roasting whole beans weigh between 5 and 7 grams in a typical spoonful. Just after you’ve flattened them in the spoon, with entire beans, it is not easy to maintain flatness; however, make an effort.

Larger beans could weigh up to 7 grams in comparison. The smallest roasts, in contrast, weigh about 5 grams or less. Additionally, no matter if your coffee is pre-ground. The already-ground beans are possible to pre-ground to improve flavor extraction.


The second-highest necessary item in pouring over coffee involves the measuring cup. It provides a simple measure of the water you need for making coffee. Using a scale to measure water offers much greater efficiency.

You can utilize a measuring cup containing volume measurements on it if you lack one. Preparing coffee without measuring the water will be disastrous.


Gooseneck kettles are great for pour-over coffee. A gooseneck kettle allows for accurate and precise water pouring while being gentle.

However, you can still use a standard kettle without a gooseneck kettle. You may need to pour with extreme caution if utilizing a regular kettle.


Finally, knowing the required equipment, you may make coffee at home without a scale. Starting the coffee brewing process next. However, the pour-over coffee percentage is key to making the perfect cup of coffee.

You might now be wondering the reason it is so essential. It is so your coffee beans may produce their most flavorful pour-over mixture. Pour-over coffee is, therefore, more labor-intensive than drip coffee. Pour-over coffee gives you far greater authority over coffee taste and consistency.

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No particular ratio is necessary for Pour-over coffee. The Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA) noted that 55 g/L 10% is ideal for preparing pour-over coffee. It implies using around a liter of water and 55 grams of ground coffee.

However, grasping the details of the golden ratio’s significance may be challenging for many people. Thus, for your convenience, below is the Pour Over Coffee Ratio Chart. It is pretty helpful in assisting you in creating the ideal cup for pouring over coffee.

Water (fl oz)

8 12 16 24

Water (ml)

237 355 473 710

Coffee (g)

13 19.5 26 39

Coffee (Tbsp)


3 4 6


Once you’ve established the ideal pour-over coffee proportion, the coffee should begin to brew. However, while doing so, you must be highly cautious while pouring water over the coffee grounds.

 Firstly, soak the grounds with water for around 45 seconds. After that, add water, let it sit for a while, then refill it.

Step # 1

Start by weighing out 400 milliliters of water (but this is not a must).

Step # 2

Fill the kettle with water, then put it to a boil.

Step # 3

Suppose you are thinking about using moderately roasted beans. To prepare a medium roast grind, measure 5 tbsp of coffee beans.

 Step # 4

When finished, put the coffee grind in a big mug.

Step # 5

After waiting for 20 seconds, Lower the boiling water heat. Now, start pouring water until the grinds are damp. Run the water for 45 seconds more.

Step # 6

You can now fill the remaining 34 of the brewer when the 45 seconds have passed. Gradually pour water. If the water runs out, keep refilling the container.

Step # 7

The entire water will drain out in around two to three minutes. Allow the coffee to run through after that.

Step # 8

You are free to sip on the best coffee—creamy and tasty.


I hope all the equipment and advice will help make pour-over coffee without a scale. It’s safe to assume that making a pour-over cup of coffee is not impossible without a scale. However, it has some restrictions. Regardless of whether you measure to the approximate tablespoon, you could still not get highly accurate measurements if you desire to brew a superb cup of coffee. If so, you might want to check that your measurements are close to the golden ratio.




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